الخميس، 13 يونيو 2013

Exogenous DNA and Expression System

adrenaline, releasing - hormone, and others regulate the activity of internal organs, including the endocrine and central nervous system. A special group of nerves that originate from the nodes, trunks and plexuses autonomic nervous system. Neuron - nerve cell, consisting of the body and off-shoots of it - a relatively short dendrites and long axons. Neurosecretion - a property of certain nerve cells produce and release into the blood or tissue fluid physiologically active products of neurohormones. Nerves connect the brain and Birth Control Pill ganglia and other organs and tissues of the body. The collection of nerves form the peripheral nervous system. Nerve center - a set of nerve cells (neurons) needed for regulation. Neyrodermnt - neuro-allergic skin diseases: severe itching, induration, and underline drawing of skin lesions, nodular lesions, defurfuration. Neuro (neuro) - Some difficult words, points nucleus the treatment nervous system. Nervous tissue - is nucleus of nerve cells (neurons) - the main functional elements and support - neuroglia. Nerve plexus - a set of nerve fibers innervating the nucleus skeletal muscles and internal organs. Nystagmus - involuntary, rapid consecutive motion eyes from side to side, rarely circular or vverhvniz. These include vasopressin, oxytocin. Neyroglnya (from the Greek "Glia - glue) cells in the brain and spinal cord, which fills the space between neurons and brain capillaries. In some cases, nevi may occur in young and middle-aged under the influence of solar radiation, or during pregnancy. Nerve center - the same as the ganglion (see the nerve center). Neutropenia - decrease in the blood neutrophils. The defeat of the adrenal glands leads to diseases (Addison's disease, pituitary basophilia, etc.). Occur more often after birth or in early life. Used for the purpose of anesthesia during operations; reached the central nervous system of various drugs that are injected into the body nucleus breathing (inhalation anesthesia), intravenously, intramuscularly, into the rectum (neingalyatsionny anesthesia). Nervous (neurohumoral) regulation - regulating effect on the nervous system tissues, organs and systems, ensuring consistency of their work and normal life of the organism as a whole in changing environmental conditions. Consists of neurons that form a knot (ganglion).

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